Up your mental game
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Up your game with resources for student-athletes and parents to cultivate a high-performance mindset, fostering confidence, focus, and resilience for sport and for life. IMG Academy’s mental performance experts share their best tips, lessons, and experience to help you win your future.

Strategies To Help Your Child Prepare For Athletic competitions

We all get nervous before high-pressure situations, and competition is definitely one of the most intense situations we will experience. Think back to when you were a kid playing sports and how nervous you got before a game or a meet. It's highly likely that your child is experiencing those same feelings.

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Top 12 Things All Successful Athletes Have

Elite athletes exhibit unique traits and strong, admirable characteristics that help them succeed in their sport. While largely innate, athletes do develop these traits from various experiences and opportunities, such as from their parents or in school to sports or even attending youth athletic training programs.

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Helping Athletes Deal with Fear of Failure

When most parents think about their kids playing sports, they probably envision themselves cheering their child on to victory and celebrating their achievements. But for most young athletes, there will also be setbacks and losses, and your child is probably more sensitive to this possibility than you are. It is important to make sure our children have a healthy attitude about both winning and losing when it comes to playing sports, but we also don't want their attitude towards losing to lead to a fear of failing.

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Parenting a High Performing Student-Athlete

As parents, we often think about ways to help our high-performance young athletes succeed, from how to help them with training and nutrition to providing them with the resources they need when it comes to equipment, transportation, and money. One of the items that' typically addressed less frequently but is equally important is how we are supporting our high-performance athletes mentally as well as how our behavior could be impacting them.

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Avoiding Burnout as the Parent of a Student-Athlete

smiling family at IMG Academy | IMGAcademy.com

As parents to children who play sports, we want to be on top of our metaphorical game for our kids. While practices and games can take their toll on our children, taking care of our young athletes can also cause some exhaustion for parents as well.

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Raising A Well Rounded Student-Athlete

Two female IMG Academy golfers walk down a fairway | IMGAcademy.com

Each parent's vision of what is best for their child will most likely differ from family to family. If part of your vision for your child's future includes an athletic career, you may be wondering how to properly nurture that while also ensuring your child has a well-rounded schedule.

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What separates the good athletes from the great?

Great Athletes

In elite sports, it can often be difficult to find differences in top athletes that are visually apparent. The level of physical disparity is very small. So, what is it that separates the good from the great?

What’s your mental performance score?

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Can Superstitions be Beneficial to Student-Athletes?

Serena Williams is known world-wide for her superstitions during competition. Her rituals include using the same shower, bringing her shower sandals to the court, tying her shoelaces a certain way, bouncing the ball five times before her first serve and twice before her second, and wearing the same pair of unwashed socks throughout a tournament.

What’s your mental performance score?

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