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Up your game with resources for student-athletes and parents to cultivate a high-performance mindset, fostering confidence, focus, and resilience for sport and for life. IMG Academy’s mental performance experts share their best tips, lessons, and experience to help you win your future.

3 Ways Sports Visualization Exercises Can Get Your Head in the Game

For visualization to be most effective in sport, Thomas says, it should include three key elements: vividness, controllability, and self-awareness.

Visualization Element #1: Vividness

Creating a vivid image in your mind provides a base for other visualization techniques, which is why student-athletes at IMG Academy spend the most time on it, Thomas says.

“The more vivid that we can make our visualization practice, the more realistic, the more our mind will believe that it’s actually happening,” she says.

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3 Tips for Delivering a Clutch Performance in Your Sport

To give a clutch performance, student-athletes need to know what it is — and what it’s not.

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How to Stay Focused: A Guide for Student-Athletes

Telling student-athletes in their early teens to keep their heads in the game for the full 90 minutes of a typical soccer match is a big ask.

Especially when you consider that even adults, with theoretically longer attention spans, sometimes struggle to focus on a 20-minute speech or just an eight-minute podcast.

So Maddie Petry, a Senior Mental Performance Coach at IMG Academy, starts small.

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IMG Academy’s Very Own Mental Performance Assessment: What You Need to Know

Mental performance training can help student-athletes boost their confidence, focus, determination, and other psychological skills so they can practice and compete at their very best. But how do you know which skills you’re already strong in and where you need to improve?

That’s where IMG Academy’s Mental Performance Assessment comes in.

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Benefit of Sport Rituals

Do you wear the same socks to every game? Or listen to the same playlist during warm up? How about visualizing your race the night before? Sports rituals look different for every athlete, but their purpose remains largely the same: to boost confidence and gain control. Read on to learn more about why athletes develop sports rituals, their value and some of the wildest rituals amongst professional athletes.

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Managing Competition Anxiety

Game time, baby! That rush of adrenaline before a big competition is unbeatable. But what if it starts becoming too much to handle? Nerves are totally normal in sports, but when it starts to impact your performance, it’s time to take a closer look. You might be experiencing competition anxiety.

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No Sidelining Here: Sports is Education

Why is it that we are so often led to believe that academics = education? Who decided this equation for education? Is it right?

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The Key To Building Confidence Skills To W-I-N? Attentional Control

Trying to find your mental “A” game?

The trick isn’t figuring out which self-help technique works, but which one works for you, says Christian Smith, Assistant Head of Mental Performance at IMG Academy.

Concentration and confidence are essential building blocks of the mindset you need to excel on the field — whether that’s a tennis court, football field, or golf course — but they aren’t totally unrelated.

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How to Get Over Performance Anxiety and Use It to Your Advantage

It’s time to embrace performance anxiety and normalize nerves. Yes, they have very negative connotations. We associate them with symptoms that aren’t so pleasant: tingling, sweaty palms, a racing heart. But back in caveman times, these symptoms — triggered by a rush of adrenaline released in response to potential danger — caused a fight-or-flight reaction that was potentially lifesaving. The problem is that today, while we are no longer in danger of being hunted down by saber-toothed tigers, our bodies haven’t changed the way we respond to stress.

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3 Drills That Build Confidence in Sport

Confidence is a critical factor in achieving success, whether on the sports field, in the workplace, or in everyday life. Yet many of us struggle with feelings of self-doubt and insecurity. The good news is that confidence, like other skills, can be cultivated over time. We do drills to improve our game on the field, why not do them to improve the game in our head, right? Here are three from Juah Toe, a Mental Performance Coach at IMG Academy:

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